Before attempting to dry out your iPhone’s charging port, it’s important to first check for any signs of moisture. Water or other liquids in the charging port can prevent your device from charging properly and may even cause damage if not addressed promptly. Here’s how you can check for...
Putting your phone into a bowl of uncooked rice is a well-known way of trying to dry it out. It’s definitely not ideal, but if you’re traveling or otherwise don’t have access to the emergency kit mentioned above, it’s better than doing nothing. That said, a few small details ma...
you can place your wet iPhone close to the dehumidifier to dry out your charging port. However, the process might take a few hours and its efficiency depends entirely on the size of the space where your phone is.
Place the cell phone minus the battery on a baking sheet. Set in the oven and put only on warm and leave overnight. Do not use too much heat in drying out the phone. Hair dryers, microwaves and ovens at high temperatures can dry the phone, but they also can warp components and melt...
How to dry out a wet phone This isn’t an urban myth: rice is amazing at sucking up water. Grab a big bowl, then into the bowl goes your wet phone and enough rice to adequately cover it. Now forget about it for 24 hours.
When dealing with a wet phone, it is important to act quickly. Few phone companies offer a warranty on wet phones and have gone as far as to place a "wet strip" on the phone that changes colors when it has gotten wet. What this means is that the wet strip will allow the company ...
You were walking next to a swimming pool when you slipped and dropped your phone into the water. Or it slipped out of your hand when you were next to a filled bathtub or toilet.
quicklist: 1category: Dry Out Tip #1 title: Bowl of Rice url: text: Of course, the first thing you should do with your wet phone is dry it off. Yes, it sounds obvious, butreallydry it off. Get a towel and sop up all the water you can. You can even use a straw. (Okay, don...
Before You Dry Your Phone, Remember To: Remove It From Water Before any drying can commence, you must first remove your phone from whatever source of liquid it was soaked in to begin with. Fish it out of the toilet, take it out of a puddle, save it from the washing machine; wherever...
possible out of the phone, keep your device off and leave it somewhere warm to dry. Some people leave wet iPods or iPhones on the top of a TV, where the heat from the TV helps dry the device. Others prefer a sunny windowsill. Choose whatever tactic you like. Let it dry a day or...