To remove stickers from clothing and fabrics, put the item in the freezer for a couple of hours, then take it out and immediately pick off as much of the hardened bits of sticker as you can. Moisten the spot with water, add a drop or so of mild dish soap, and rub off the rest ...
You can create the child theme using a plugin or using code. Head over to our beginner’s guide onhow to create a WordPress child themeand create one now. The theme you need to update should be the parent theme. Don’t activate the child theme yet. We’ll do that at the end of t...
Make several drafts - If you've stumbled across a funny idea, it's helpful to come up with several versions of the joke to get just the right wording. Memes are a little like poetry: word choice is very important. When in doubt, go with the shorter option: brevity is the soul of ...
The most fun I have is just doing stuff. I really say this with no ego: I just believe in my heart that I always have a musical idea that's worth sharing. No matter what the situation is, especially if it comes to composition. The reason why I feel so comfortable writing with peopl...
There’s a drop-off. Pretty soon it’s one post every month. Then it slows down even more… Next, you’ll find the year-long gap between posts, along with an update and a promise to “post more often.” If you read blogs, I can guarantee you’ve seen that pattern play out again...
If something isn’t working, you try harder. Marital problems? Pray more, love more, give more, be patient, and wait it out. Suck it up, stuff it down, be quiet and don’t make waves. What Is Real? I have identified four distinct stages in the journey to wholeness. ...
There was just a really steep learning curve with getting all the proper stuff lined up in order to launch: finding a place to straight up buy the hats from, finding a place to embroider the hats, finding the machines we need to grommet the hats or make the … Our hats also have hidd...
Tell the programers to get it right for once 2 Reply nlr Level 1 June 29, 2023 05:42 PM Absolutely, this does nothing for security. I don't use payroll or any of the business stuff. I think they are just trying to get money. Gu...
For reasons my Soul has helped me fully process I attracted to myself another karmic relationship with a dark abusive narcissist. I took my final dance in the ring of fire with this wounded Soul. A Soul I Deeply recognized, remembered and Loved. As he fought to destroy my peace, my harm...
A lot of bisexual stuff, swingers stuff, Craigslist ads soliciting people, porn and a lot of cuckolding things… which I didn’t even know what that was until now. Also a lot of sites looking for random sex. He denies all of it and said it was her. That he didn’t know about any...