梦幻泡影 回神已迷失在吉他的嘶鸣声中|Memories , Violet&Demons——broken little sister 15:17 「惠灵顿/精神爵士」力推!灵性并寻求自由音乐的超越性|Wax///Wane——Lucien Johnson 19:54 「瑞士/融合爵士」力推!推荐理由:《封面实在是太好看了》|Our Ten Inner Shadows——OKWOK 15:50 「日本/融合爵士」...
梦幻泡影 回神已迷失在吉他的嘶鸣声中|Memories , Violet&Demons——broken little sister 15:17 「惠灵顿/精神爵士」力推!灵性并寻求自由音乐的超越性|Wax///Wane——Lucien Johnson 19:54 「瑞士/融合爵士」力推!推荐理由:《封面实在是太好看了》|Our Ten Inner Shadows——OKWOK 15:50 「日本/融合爵士」...
They run from old shame/guilt instead of facing their demons and dealing with them. Because they fail to defeat their demons, they pass them onto their daughters. Despite the best of intentions to do everything differently, everything remains the same. Thus June is the protagonist turned her...
Everyone gets lonely. In the depths of the evening, when you’re all alone, have you ever wished for an imaginary friend to crawl out of your closet or from ...
During Christmas break from college, his son wanted to borrow it to drive to a New Year's Eve 1 to be held in Vermont. Jack was 2 the son would hit one of the roadblock(路障)that people set up all over the place on New York's Eve. The 3 that was reached was that the son ...
The Campbellian hero's journey spoke to a generation about the need to slay one's personal demons and fight an evil empire for the greater good. But Lucas went back to tinker with the films that had made him famous and, in the early months of 1997, released the "Star Wars: Special ...
After our nap through The Last Airbender, we thought we'd take an adrenaline-fueled ride through hell with Drive Angry 3D. If you like your movies illogical, uninspiring, and full of weird sex, you've come to the right place. Curtis Gwinn joins Paul, June, and Jason to figure out why...
Notice the intense way God is expressing Himself in the wording of some of these verses. You can really tell God is trying to drive home several major points that we need to fully grasp before He will be willing to release His knowledge to us. ...
As played with affable gentility and gentleness by Morse, Peck is charming, kind, and sympathetic, a man driven toward children by his own demons but attentive to Li'l Bit's adolescent needs in ways that are never violent, paternalistic, or condescending. Peck takes the young woman seriously...