Although mostly unconfirmed, he formerly dated Ermony Renee, also known as Dream (not to be confused with the Minecraft YouTuber), despite there being a bit of a rivalry between them. It's unknown if they are still dating, but it's also possible that Darren has had a relationship with ...
In Minecraft, these are the materials materials you can use to craft a Potion of Weakness (1:30):1 Fermented Spider Eye 1 Water BottleHow to craft this Potion in Survival Mode1. Open the Brewing Stand menuFirst, open your brewing stand so that you have the Brewing Stand menu that looks...
APotion of Night Visionin Minecraft is a brewable item that gives players the Night Vision status effect when consumed. This effect allows you to see better in the dark, increasing the brightness level of your surroundings to 15. Essentially this makes everything appear to be at max light le...
Another extremely popular choice, KUDA Shaders aim for a mostly realistic look, but there are a couple of areas where the mod really shines. This shader givesMinecraft’s colors a noticeable but not over-the-top boost, makes shadows more dramatic, and adds great water reflections, though ther...
Installation Process:Galacticraft requires 3 mod files, copy the Galacticraftcore*.JAR, Galacticraft-Planets*.JAR and MicdoodleCore*.JAR into your mods folder and run Minecraft. Description:You're going to the moon (no really, to the moon and beyond, even)! Galacticraft introduces the Space Race...
In Minecraft, these are the materials materials you can use to craft a Potion of Regeneration (0:45):1 Ghast Tear 1 Nether Wart 1 Water BottleHow to craft this Potion in Survival Mode1. Open the Brewing Stand menuFirst, open your brewing stand so that you have the Brewing Stand menu ...
In Minecraft, these are the materials materials you can use to craft a Potion of Fire Resistance (3:00):1 Nether Wart 1 Magma Cream 1 Water BottleHow to craft this Potion in Survival Mode1. Open the Brewing Stand menuFirst, open your brewing stand so that you have the Brewing Stand ...
In Minecraft, these are the materials materials you can use to craft a Potion of Poison (0:45):1 Spider Eye 1 Nether Wart 1 Water BottleHow to craft this Potion in Survival Mode1. Open the Brewing Stand menuFirst, open your brewing stand so that you have the Brewing Stand menu that ...
In Minecraft, these are the materials materials you can use to craft a Potion of Healing (Instant Health):1 Nether Wart 1 Glistering Melon Slice 1 Water BottleHow to craft this Potion in Survival Mode1. Open the Brewing Stand menuFirst, open your brewing stand so that you have the ...
In Minecraft, these are the materials materials you can use to craft a Potion of Slow Falling (1:30):1 Nether Wart 1 Phantom Membrane 1 Water BottleHow to craft this Potion in Survival Mode1. Open the Brewing Stand menuFirst, open your brewing stand so that you have the Brewing Stand ...