Tawra:This is a question that I receive frequently. Many people feel that the thought of budgeting is too daunting. My first thought about how to stick to a budget is thatif you set up a budget and can’t stick to it, either your budget, your spending or both are not realistic. Ther...
If I had to pick 3 artists to sing to me on a deserted island I would pick Ray, Johnny Cash & Rick Springfield of course. I have just this very second decided that I am going to listen to Ray Charles sing different songs the whole time I write this post. Every time a new song ...
I needed hot water to drink. But how do I boil water? It’s such a difficult thing to make at home! Or is it?!? (Jump directly to the recipe.) The first thing I did was do my research. I grabbed my iPhone, next to my bed, and skipped Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and...
Cellulite is the appearance of lumpy or dimpled “cottage cheese skin,” which predominantly develops on the legs (especially the thighs), butt, stomach and the back of the arms. Some also refer to it as “orange peel skin” because it looks like the tiny bumps that form on the outside...
Have mercy now, Hashem our God: on Israel, Your people; on Jerusalem, Your city; on Zion, the home of Your glory; on Your altar; and on Your Temple. Rebuild Jerusalem, the holy city, speedily in our days; bring us up into it, elate us with the rebuilding of it, let us eat of...
Watch out, because many of the juices on the store shelves have corn syrup as a first ingredient. Corn syrup will ferment fine, but do you really want to drink corn wine? The grape juice I’m using in our example has 41g of sugar per cup – that’s pure grape sugar, no added su...
Welcome to WordBowl! How it works: Folks like you send word suggestions (look below for link, or submit to wordbowl@gmail.com). I draw one at random and have my essayish-or-fictional way with it (handwriting in bars & coffee shops all over NYC). Let the
The 22 foot long subs are like white bugs next to the enormous wreck. LOVETT (V.O.) Dive nine. Here we are again on the deck of Titanic... two and a half miles down. The pressure is three tons per square inch, enough to crush us like a freight train going over an ant if ...
So, they went back to the drawing board, where the screenwriters came up with the ending that fans all know and love. "In the theater lobby of the test audience, Kirsten and I were like, 'Why don’t we cut to graduation so we can do captions?'" McCullah recalled. "So we ...
I always write short stories between novels, and even between drafts of my novels. It keeps me going and puts use to all the random story ideas I had while working on the larger project. I've found over the years that keeping up the writing habit is the only way to actually keep your...