How to Grow Great Weed in 10 Steps! Cannabis legalization is spreading like wildfire across the US, Canada, and in many other countries around the world. Many people are finally allowed to legally grow their own supply of cannabis! Are you ready to grow your own weed at home?Growing...
Fungicides are used to treat the condition. Leaf and pod spot, the most dangerous for winter crops, may be prevented through fungicide seed treatment.The Disease risk tool on our platform forewarns farmers about potential threats. By being alerted to the possibility of infection in their crops,...
Among these methods, crop rotation stands out due to its ability to interrupt insect, weed, and disease cycles.For the best results, grow both warm- and cool-season broadleafs and grasses in a crop rotation. By strategically rotating crops, you can reduce the number of pests that ...
Pre-warm the soil by placing black plastic sheeting across the planting area to harvest solar heat. Draw the plastic tight so that there is little air space between the plastic and the soil. Once the soil has warmed and plants are growing, the black plastic mulch can be removed and ...
Keep celery planting beds weed-free to avoid competition for moisture and nutrients. Keep cultivation shallow so as not to damage roots. Air temperatures of 75°F or greater can slow celery growth and cause leaf edges to turn brown. Rotate celery each year to a new location to avoid most...
Hand weeding is often very labour-intensive, and weeds likedocks,bramblesanddandelionscan be difficult to tackle by hand as they have deep roots which need to be completely dug out to stop the weeds growing back. Bindweed and ground elder are some of the most difficult weeds to dig out by...
We can't draw LIGHT on top of DARK - so we have to draw around them, and that IS negative drawing. Try what you might - You cannot use this method to create anything with any depth at all. For example, you can clearly see here that this casts shade on this. The foreground leaf ...
First, landscapers draw up a base plan. This is simply a major outline of the landscape drawn to scale, including the location of houses, driveways and any plants that are already there. The second step involves making a bubble diagram. Over a copy of the base plan, descriptive notes can...
A common use of mullein leaf in herbalpreparationsis for skin burns or even wounds. Again, an ointment is created from the mullein leaves. Sometimes apoulticemay beassembledwith mullein and other ingredients to draw out a splinter or soothe a bruise. ...
When you are ready to plant simply lightly fork the manure in and you have a well fertilised, weed-free soil to start planting up. Leaf mulch is used in a similar way and can easily be made at home by having a separate compost bin just to collect leaves in. The leaves rot down ...