pixijs-spritesheet-example.js (async () => { // Create a PixiJS application const app = new PIXI.Application(); await app.init({width: 960, height: 540}); // add the canvas that Pixi created for you to the DOM document.body.appendChild(app.canvas); // load the assets await PIXI...
With this data file it's much easier to tell the game engine that you want to draw a Apple sprite — instead of paint the sprite at position (299,192). This is an example of for an optimized sprite sheet, and it's data file might look like: { "Apple": { "frame": {"x":292...
The reason why these are such a good idea to use is because Cocos2D is optimized for them. If you use sprites within a sprite sheet properly, rather than making one OpenGL ES draw call per sprite it just makes one per sprite sheet. In short – it’s faster, especially when you have...
The reason why these are such a good idea to use is because Cocos2D is optimized for them. If you use sprites within a sprite sheet properly, rather than making one OpenGL ES draw call per sprite it just makes one per sprite sheet. In short – it’s faster, especially when you have...
The reason why these are such a good idea to use is because Cocos2D is optimized for them. If you use sprites within a sprite sheet properly, rather than making one OpenGL ES draw call per sprite it just makes one per sprite sheet. In short – it’s faster, especially when you...
I am new to createJS and I am trying to load a spritesheet and run frames that contain an animation; but I keep getting this error in the console: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getImages' of undefined at Game.handleFileLoad". I am confused...
At that point I believe it to be the displaylist that starts to clog or seriously draw resources. So... stage3d then. Question: I cannot find any "advanced" sprite control methods. In my old app. im using MC''s and use gotoandplay to direct them to t...
We’ll have to load multiple PNG files from the web server. It’s very important to wait until all resources are loaded, otherwise you might try to draw non-yet downloaded resources.Here’s a simple way to do it:This code is very simple. For instance, it doesn’t handle the errors ...
The first thing to do is to have all the GUI elements needed for the game or specific part of the game. They have to be already created before building the sprite sheet, at least their size have to be already defined. Throughout this post, the following GUI elements will be used to ...
You can use its pen, paint bucket, rectangle, circle, stroke, lighten, color picker, and many more tools to draw pixel art. While doing so, you can adjust your pen size. To add new frames to the animation, click on the Add new frame button present on the top left side. It also ...