How to prep your dragon. “Ahead of time, think about what type of dragon you want to draw,” says Merien. Do you want to draw something cute like a cartoon dragon, or do you want to draw a ferocious beast like Smaug from The Hobbit? Is it a longer Chinese dragon or a more weste...
Merien 表示:「在開始之前,請先思考您想要繪製何種類型的龍。」例如,您有意繪製可愛的卡通龍,還是如哈比人中 Smaug 一般的兇殘怪獸?您偏好中國風格的龍,或是冰與火之歌:權力遊戲這種比較西洋形式的龍?先行釐清上述問題,將可為您省下不少設計心力。 掌握解剖圖 Lee 提到:「您可以結合自身熟知的不同動物來繪製龍...
Hank Campbell
An early sketch of the dragon Smaug Illustration courtesy Spiderwebart Ian Summers, who commissioned the Brothers for the Tolkien calendars, points out, "The entire art department rejoiced whenever Tim and Greg brought in their fantastic illustrations... The delivery of each painting was an event...
But all his drawnings and more detailed descriptions (e.g. Orthanc and Minas Tirith) clearly show that he wasn't a fan of ridiculously huge stuff. From the points above my guess is that Glaurung and Smaug are about the same size. Smaug is obviouslawinged dragon first seen in the War ...