Given the popularity of Halloween Horror Nights and the draw of big-name haunted houses, it can seem like there really aren’t any “slow” nights anymore. This is why Horror Nights early admission, which used to be a fun trick for insiders, has now become a necessity for any guest who...
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But Rudnitsky is far from the only cast member to draw criticism for his portrayal of gay characters. In 2008, then head writer Seth Meyers had to give an interview to The Advocate defending a gay-joke-packed episode that Gawker dubbed “A Gay Minstrel Show.” At the time Meyers said,...
we have to admit to ourselves that the originalGhostbustersmovie is pretty bad. Its horror comedy jokes don’t land, its characters are tough to root for, the effects are clunky, and the surprise romance at the end is mostly perfunctory. Here, the curmudgeonly affect that made Bill Murray ...
The Ghostbusters producer died Feb. 12 in his sleep at his home in Montecito, Calif. He was 75. “Our family is grieving the unexpected loss of a husband, father, and grandfather who taught us to always seek the magic in life,” his children — Jason Reitman, Catherine Reitman and Carol...
Draw inspiration from real-life people. The best way to avoid stereotypes and make a story feel grounded is to base its characters on people you’ve seen in the real world.[17] Instead of looking for plot and character motivations in media, think of your family, friends, co-workers, or...