To design a Printed Circuit Board (PCB), you need to draw holes, pads, and wires for your circuit. When you’re done drawing the board, you can either send the design to a manufacturer that will make it for you (it’s actually pretty cheap) – or you can etch it yourself at home...
Pins 7, 6, 5, 4 and 3 are connected to the digital pins of the display. It is not mandatory to know how the arduino communicates with display in order to use it; we will add appropriate library files to the arduino software which will take care of the communication between arduino and...
The Arduino IDE has a library called <LiquidCrystal.h> which provides lot of functions to access the LCD module. Few of those functions which are very useful is small applications are already discussed in the previous project onhow to interface an LCD,how to display sensor value on LCD,how ...
Arduino UNO Three LEDs(Any Color) Resistances (470, 10k) Jumpers Breadboard Circuit Diagram The circuit diagram for demonstrating the use of Arduino Millis() fuction is very easy and doesn't have much components to attach as shown below. Programming Arduino UNO for Multitasking Programming Arduino...
The math plays a major role in electronics that’s why our textbook is full of mathematical equations, that we don’t even understand and that point where calculators come to rescue us and here it is. If you any queries regarding this simple calculator circuit using Arduino, you can express...
For powering the servos we need 5V, but this must come from an external power source because the Arduino is not able to handle the amount of current that all of them can draw. The power source must be able to handle at least 2A of current. So once we have connected everything togethe...
In this tutorial I will show you how I built an Arduino based hexapod. As the name suggests, the hexapod has 6 legs but in addition to that, it also has...
Below is a relay wiring diagram that shows how to use a relay switch with an NPNtransistor. This is useful for when you want to control a relay from things that can’t drive relays, like an Arduino, or an integrated circuit from the4000 seriesor7400 series. ...
Code LabelCode File PictoBlox Program for Smartphone Controlled Robot DiagramCircuit Diagram DescriptionCircuit Diagram Fritzing Diagram For this robot, we have to connect the HC-05 Bluetooth module HC...
matrix.drawBitmap(0, 0, smiley, 8, 8, HIGH); matrix.write(); } Explanation of the Code The first thing we need to do is include the libraries. The MAX7219 communicates with the Arduino via SPI, so we need to include the SPI library. We also need to include the Adafruit GFX and ...