Step 11: Draw three horizontal bean-like shapes. These will be our cat’s feet and paws, draw the front ones the same size and the back one slightly larger. Step 12: What about the other leg? To figure out how the hidden leg will change our drawing, let’s imagine a leg shape (l...
The next step is to add some muscles to your skeleton. As before, I'm not suggesting drawing all of the muscles – this stage is about capturing the shape of the cat and establishing its proportions. Use broader strokes to find shapes of the legs and pay attention to how the flow of...
Now you’re ready to get started, so let’s begin the first step and see how it’s done! Step 1 For your first step in this guide on how to draw a cat, you’ll want to draw a circle in pencil. It can help to use a drawing compass to draw a perfect circle if you’re strug...
If you’re one of the billions of cat lovers in the world, you may have wondered how you can learn to draw a cat at one point or another. It’s actually easier than you may think if you follow the steps! To that end, we have created a fun and easy to use step-by-step guide...
Learn to draw 28 adorable kawaii creatures from scratch in 6 easy steps. Kawaii artist Aria Wei teaches you to transform simple shapes into characterful kawaii creations, including a cat, bunny, hamster, owl and duck. There are 28 different kawaii companions to create, in a variety of poses...
Now let’s turn our basic shapes into a cat! Start with some ears: you could go for straight pointed triangles, or create softer ones like we have, which you can draw with a similar flow to the raindrop shape, just without the rounded bottom. Draw round, up, in to a point; down,...
Step 5 – Draw the Mouth Anime cat girl facial features drawing To position the mouth draw it a little bit up from the halfway point between the bottom of the nose and the bottom of the chin. This halfway point is actually the location of the bottom lip. However, as this is an anim...
When you are done with your visual study, feel free to grab a pencil and paper and start to draw a cat. Step 1 When you start, outline basic shapes of the cat body. We are drawing a sitting cat, so the base for this drawing would be a circle for the head, another larger circle...
Time to Take a Bath _ Bath Time Now! _ Good Habit Song 英语启蒙儿歌 惯的没个样了- 英语启蒙儿歌/每天磨耳朵/数字1-5/Five Little Monkeys Eating Ice Cream/五只小猴子在吃冰淇淋 惯的没个样了- 00:22 都劝我放弃画画…… CC猫-绘浮生 ...
Step 9 – Draw the Paws Anime cat paw details drawing Draw some lines along the paws to create the cat’s toes. As it’s front feet are viewed on more of an angle draw the toes with more of a curve in their shapes. The back paws are facing more towards the viewer so their toes...