Near the middle of the top, draw a small circle for the pupil and surround that with a larger half circle for the iris. Again, expression is entirely up to you. You’ll notice that how much of the iris is exposed can drastically change the emotion the character is showing. To give th...
The great news is that in my "Mad About Manga - How to Draw Manga" book (that you can download and start using today), I start at the very beginning and show you how to take a simple stick figure and transform it into a Manga action character... You'll never struggle to draw man...
Lower the Opacity of this sketch and create a New Layer on top. Make your drawing brush smaller and draw the line art based on the guide lines below. It’s good to use a reference at this point—there are many details that are hard to memorize, and a photo will remind you of their...
Today I'll show you how to draw a cute chibi / kawaii bunny rabbit named Tobi (Chubby Bunny) from TonTon & Friends. Tonton & Friends is a webcomic about four friends trying to make a happy slice of life. Tobi is the loving happy bunny character. I will show you how to draw Tobi ...
Hello Kitty is an adorable cat character that has been loved by little girls for as long as I can remember. I loved Hello Kitty when I was little and I am almost 40 years old already. Today I will show you how to draw Hello Kitty with easy to understand illustrated steps. I wi...
Learn to draw a crazy character. This step-by-step tutorial makes it easy. Kids and beginners alike can now draw a great crazy character.
3. How to set up the flower text effect Step 1 Let's now get into creating the flower letters. To do that, pick the Type Tool (T) from your toolbar and focus on the Character panel (Window > Character). Select the Big John font, set the size to 500, the...
of characters that you can choose to learn how to draw but sometimes it can be hard to figure out the basics of drawing these complex characters. This is why it can be extremely helpful to use a cartoon character tutorial to help you develop your drawing skills when drawing cartoon ...
We will show you an idea of some details you could draw, but don’t be afraid to draw in some other patterns or details that you like! For our details, we have drawn in a circular shape around the eye as ell as one on the back to give the puppy some character. Will you go with...
It can be quite challenging learning how to draw Spiderman when you first attempt it. Anyone can learn how to draw this icon with some practice and these simple steps to follow, though! Drawing a character like Spiderman is seemingly difficult because of the realistic proportions of the ...