The elaborate crowns of horns possessed by many species of horned lizards are classic examples of intuitively adaptive features that lack direct tests of function. The bony horns that give horned lizards their name are presumed to function as a defense against predators. Results showed predation by...
Horned toad lizards are actually not toads at all. The proper common name is short-horned lizard (scientific name: Phrynosoma hernandesi). The term "horned hoad" lizard may commonly be used to refer to any of the 14 species included in the Phrynosoma genus. These lizards are notoriously diff...
However, we detected a negative correlation between harvester ants, the primary prey of flat-tailed horned lizards (Pianka and Parker, 1975; Turner and Medica, 1982), and annual rainfall. Conserving species in fragmented habitats: population dynamics of the flat-tailed horned lizard, Phrynosoma mca...