d like to do around the home and for myself and family. I see the excitement on my kids’ faces when I take my Ramadan decor boxes out. They feel the shift in environment when the decorations go up and know that we are preparing to welcome a very special guest, the mont...
Despite being right in the heart of Delhi, it’s surprisingly calming to wander through this large area of green space, and it makes for a tranquil introduction to the city’s architecture. Jama Masjid Mosque! You can climb to the top of that minaret on the left. Here’s the view from...
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:“The dua of a Muslim for his brothers in his absence is readily accepted, an angel is appointed to his side, whenever he makes a beneficial dua for his brother, the angel says, ‘Ameen’, and May you be blessed with the same”. (Sahih Muslim). So a ...
The case, still unresolved more than a year later, has awesome implications not just for Kareem but for all Americans – all people everywhere, for that matter. It’s not a stretch to say that it’s one of the most important lawsuits to ever cross the desk of a federal judge. The cor...