Now that you know how to create a circle in Photoshop, maybe you’d like tolearn how to type in a circletoo. How to Draw a Circle in Photoshop with a Brush To create the outline of a circle, you can use theBrush Tool– but we won’t risk drawing free hand. ...
How to Draw a Curved Arrow in Photoshop in 7 Steps The magic of Adobe Photoshop is that there is more than one way to complete a task, which is also true for creating custom shapes. You can use this method to create a custom shape, such as a curved arrow, and save it to shape pr...
If you want to learn how to draw a line in Photoshop CC, in this short tutorial I’ll show you the popular methods to draw many types of lines—for example, how to draw a straight line, a curved...
There are many reasons you may need to know how to draw a circle in Photoshop, such as when creating logos or cropping and framing a photo. Today, I’ll explain how to make a perfect circle in multiple ways. I will show you how to create a circle with the Ellipse Tool, but this ...
Welcome to this tutorial on how to draw a dotted line in Photoshop. Dotted lines can be a great addition to your designs and can add a playful or professional touch depending on how you use them. In this tutorial, we'll go over a quick trick you can use to create dotted lines in Ph...
In this tutorial, you will learn how to draw realistic bubbles using Photoshop brushes. Perfect for beginners. Have a try!
How To Draw A Curved Arrow In Photoshop Step 1: Create A New Document Open Photoshop and create a new canvas. Go to the File option on the top left-hand corner of your screen, then click new. Step 2: Create A New Layer After you’ve created a new project, we’re going to creat...
The Brush tool is one of the most indispensable tools in Photoshop for creating lines. Adjust weight, hardness, size or colour to suit your needs and then paint as if with a real brush. Draw the perfect line. To work as if with a ruler, the Line tool is at the ready. Create perfect...
You can use the Polygon tool to create custom shapes, including a unique star with exactly the number of points you want. You can choose to make it symmetrical and specify width, height, and other variables. Draw stars with the Curvature Pen tool. ...
Drawing a line in Photoshop is one of the simplest things you can do in Adobe’s popular image editor, but it takes a little bit more work to draw a fancier