Hitting a draw with your driver is one of the most desirable shots in golf. Sean Foley, Cameron McCormick & others give you the tools to execute just that.
Daily Video Tips How Rory Hits a High Draw 4:21 Daily Video Tips Press Down and Toss Back 4:50 Daily Video Tips Headcover Driver Drill 2:42 Daily Video Tips Iron Clubface Control 2:51 Daily Video Tips L.E.D. Takeaway Tip 3:01 Daily Video Tips Go-To Chipping Motion 4:49 ...
How to hit a golf ball with a driver? This is the first thing you need to know. The driver is an individual element to begin your golfing. So, you are to be careful while using the piece. When you are using a driver, your standing position should be wide. Make sure you have suffi...
BEGINNER GOLF TIP: HOW TO HIT THE DRIVER >> Driving the golf ball can be one of the most fun, yet difficult elements of anyone's golf game.Everyone loves to hit the ball long and straight down the fairway. At the same time, no one wants to crush one out
You don’t need to try and completely change your swing or your setup to hit a draw, a fade, high or low. You simply need a slight tweak with your lead hand with RST and you will quickly become a ball flight master! If you want to master ball flight and hit the driver miles, ch...
Follow along with us and learn how to draw a golf cart! You can finish this drawing by adding someone driving the cart! Art Supplies This is a list of the supplies we used, but feel free to use whatever you have in your home or classroom. Sharpie (or something to draw with) Paper ...
Learn the ONE Drill that's making golfers more consistent than ever before! Need a true fundamentals based approach to the golf swing? See a free video now!
Everything you need to know in order to learn how to play golf—the best golf instruction tips, equipment reviews, course finders, fitness tips and more
Tee the ball so that at address, the top edge of the driver face meets the ball at its midpoint. Make sure you have a long enough tee to do the job as drivers get bigger and better. Try a glove. Golf gloves give most players a better grip, but not all players use gloves. Experi...
Rickie Fowler offers tips for how to drive the golf ball, saying you don't need to be big to hit the ball far, you just need to set up properly and release correctly.