Option #1: Manually draw a centerline: Manually draw a centerline between the curved paths. Change the line type to the same as a normal centerline. Option #2: Use 3D SWEEP: Draw the curved part as a 3D model using SWEEP command. Use the sweep path to ...
As we are using single lines right now, such as a centerline or mainline that is a wall, we have designed our layers according to that. Suppose if I have a big layout and in that, I am using different types of lines according to the shape, then I can name it as centerline 1, ...
;draw centerline command(defun CommandHijack(LayName CommandName) ;create error handler internal function (defun *error*(msg) (setvar "clayer" CL) ) ;check for orientation setting (princ "\nrunning routine\n") (setq CL (getvar "CLAYER")) (IWCSetCurrentLayer LayName) (command Command...
dots along the centerline. *SANSEWER,Sanitary Sewer A,0,-.125,[EQUAL,EQUAL,s=.27],-.125 John Report 0 Likes Message 8 of 11 Anonymous in reply to: Anonymous 03-07-2006 02:50 PM Thanks for the compliment Joe. I'm glad to be of help. -- Don Reichle...
(some lessons and lessons) Ive been planning for six or seven years, and now Im in charge of the project. Do not know how long will also have draw yourself, to put his some lessons and experience to tell everybody, let everybody share the following (six years) or vomiting (limit is...