When you first add the video, it is shown at 100% opacity, so it looks solid. Feel free to drag the ‘Image Opacity’ slider to make the YouTube video background more subtle. If you experiment with opacity, then you may also want to try adding a colored overlay. Simply click to ex...
During my research, I found out that Video DownloadHelper is a popular browser extension. It helps you save YouTube videos to your local drive and offers smart naming for saved clips. With this free tool, I was able to manage multiple downloads at once. NOTE:Chrome no longer allows this ...
Next, choose the video file by clicking the large arrow, or click and drag the file onto the page. 7. Enter video information While the video uploads, you can enter the prepared information like the title, description, and tags. 8. Publish ...
Did you know that you could possibly rotate YouTube videos either downloaded or viewed ones, to the angle you are comfortable watching? Here is how.
To download a YouTube video on a Mac in two clicks, use the Downie app. Install and launch theDownieapp. Drag and drop a link from YouTube into the app window. or Copy the YouTube video link > Click the "+" button in the lower-left corner of the application window. ...
Step 1. Click “Add Files” to add the downloaded YouTube video to the program. Or, you can drag and drop the file directly into the program. Step 2. Unfold the format list on the right and select your desired video format. Step 3. To remove audio from a single YouTube video, you...
Step 3: Then you can click on 'Download' button to start the process.Step 4: Once the process done, your downloaded files will show in 'Finished' tab. A 'CC' tab will attached to the video file which means you have successfully save the YouTube videos with subtitles....
comes withover 150 slides to add your information. Also, it comes with five premade color schemes, so you can choose the color youwant. The Riazo Google Slides Template comes with a picture placeholder, making it easy to drag and drop an image of your choice to add it to the slide ...
Learn how to use Adobe Media Encoder and apply presets in Adobe After Effects to export and render a video for YouTube and other social media channels.
Open YouTube on your Mac. Find the video you want. Click on the option for Full Screen in the bottom right corner. Press Command + Shift + 5. Click on Record then choose Record Entire Screen. (If you didn’t choose Full Screen above choose Record Selected Portion drag the crosshairs t...