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$DomainUser = $(Get-WMIObject -class Win32_ComputerSystem | select username).username $username = $DomainUser -Split "\\" | Select-Object -Index 1 ### Shared Functions ### function Write-Log($text) { $pathToLogsDir = "$env:ProgramData\lenovo\Modern\Logs" Write-Host $text if(...
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After successful authentication, not redirecting to required page. After the download completes how to show alert in with c# Age validation Ajax call not hitting code behind c# method Ajax Call using HTTP/2 Alert "Are you sure you want to leave, you will lose your data if you cont...
$DomainUser = $(Get-WMIObject -class Win32_ComputerSystem | select username).username $username = $DomainUser -Split "\\" | Select-Object -Index 1 ### Shared Functions ### function Write-Log($text) { $pathToLogsDir = "$env:ProgramData\lenovo\Modern\Logs" Write...
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Problems statements similar to the following questions pop up all the time on various IIS newsgroups, and the user usually claims that they have either seen (or not seen) many posts that look like theirs, and never any concrete solutions. I am going to try and explain the whole ...
Download:Language-Neutral Resource Project Creating a language-neutral resource DLL using Visual Studio In this set of procedures, you use Visual Studio to create a language resource DLL project, create language-neutral resource strings, and update the DLL project to create the resource DLL. Later,...
Download:Language-Neutral Resource Project Creating a language-neutral resource DLL using Visual Studio In this set of procedures, you use Visual Studio to create a language resource DLL project, create language-neutral resource strings, and update the DLL project to create the resource DLL. Later,...
4) Check [CertificateGenerationThreshold: 20]The new certificate will be promoted to Primary after 5 days:1) Go to Powershell 2) Connect-MsolService 3) Get-MsolFederationProperty 4) Check [CertificatePromotionThreshold: 5]Knowing that AD FS Service only uses the primary certificate, as we wi...