Warning:Vencord violatesDiscord’s terms of service. However, theVencord team has statedthat there are no known cases of account bans so far. They also mention that you should generally be fine as long as you avoid using plugins that enable abusive behavior. To stay safe, install plugins d...
Step 1 – Installing Vencord App or Extension First determine where you use Discord. If you use the Discord app then download the Vencord app for Windows, Mac, or Linux. If you use Discord in a web browser, download Vencord for Chrome or any other Chromium-based browser. As of now, ...
Biodiversity contributes to the ecological and climatic stability of the Amazon Basin1,2, but is increasingly threatened by deforestation and fire3,4. Here we quantify these impacts over the past two decades using remote-sensing estimates of fire and def
these services must be patient-centred and respond to patients’ needs. However, few studies seem to target patients’ perceived needs, whereas more studies tend to focus on needs assessed by healthcare experts, which are not always
To do so follow the steps below. Unplug the charger and remove the battery of your laptop, if using a desktop remove the power cord. Press and hold the Power button for 30sec Plug the charger/power cord and restart system if you roll back to the pre...
Download references Acknowledgements The authors' work is supported by the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM; grant number DEQ20130326524 to V.P.), The Wellcome Trust (grant number 081512/Z/06/Z to J.G.) and a doctoral fellowship from the University of Lille School of Medicine, Lill...
Download references Acknowledgements The authors' work is supported by the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM; grant number DEQ20130326524 to V.P.), The Wellcome Trust (grant number 081512/Z/06/Z to J.G.) and a doctoral fellowship from the University of Lille School of Medicine, Lill...
Wi-Fi hotspots make for a convenient connection. To connect, you need proximity, a little hardware, and most important, permission.
Google forces Chromecast to use a Google DNS server.This way, no one can stream geo-restricted content on streaming services like Hulu, HBO now and Netflix etc. Its’ to keep their business partners happy. Now, some of you may be wondering, whatif I change the DNS server settings on my...
How to Set Up Different Alert Variations on Streamlabs OBS As of now, we have set up Streamlabs OBS Alert Box, connected different platforms, and customized alerts for different actions like donations, bits, merch, etc. But what if you want a different alert when someone donates a higher amo...