Hsp90 is an essential molecular chaperone responsible for the folding and activation of hundreds of ‘client’ proteins, including the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Previously, we revealed that Hsp70 and Hsp90 remodel the conformation of GR to regulate l
Kutlutürk, I., Tokuç, E.Ö., Karabaş, L.et al.How the immune response to the structural proteins of SARS-CoV-2 affects the retinal vascular endothelial cells: an immune thrombotic and/or endotheliopathy process with in silico modeling.Immunol Res72, 50–71 (2024). https://doi....
Nagano, N. et al. EzCatDB: the enzyme reaction database, 2015 update. Nucleic Acids Res. 43, D453–D458 (2014). Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar The UniProt Consortium. UniProt: the universal protein knowledgebase. Nucleic Acids Res. 46, 2699 (2018). ...
The specific role of proteomics as a genome annotation source has also matured over the years, with UniProt listing cross-references to, and annotations from, PeptideAtlas and PRIDE, amongst many other sources. Moreover, dedicated analysis pipelines [28] have recently enabled proteomics data from ...
Accordingly, we collected protein sets from several databases, including CATH17, UniProt18, Membranome19, and the Transporter Classification Database20. We then manually discarded proteins or merged groups to create protein families with the same architecture (e.g. number of TM segments) that we ...
For the lipid-R11-15 complex, the RAW file was subjected to a database search for protein identification using Mascot Distiller and Mascot Server 2.5.1 with its automatic decoy database search. The database searched contained the E. coli reference proteome from Uniprot (UP000000625, ...
In the database there are very many examples of proteins including highly amyloidogenic fragments that have never been observed to form an amyloid. It is possible that those fragments are screened inside the protein and deprived of contacts with other fragments of high amyloid propensity, hence ...
In addition, BLAST searches against the Metazoa database (search term: ‘(taxonomy_id:33208)’) and Tox-Prot database (search term ‘(keyword:KW-0800) AND (taxonomy_id:33208)’)from UniProt [50] were used as the basis for annotation. The E-value thresholds for the BLAST searches were ...
(UniProt Consortium, 2019). Most of the identified antimicrobial peptides were derived from bovine hemoglobin. Therefore, a comparison of the known antimicrobial peptides, reported in the literature and database, and the peptides obtained from porcine cruor hydrolysate was conducted. These peptides ...
# downloadwget-4 -q ftp://ftp.uniprot.org/pub/databases/uniprot/current_release/knowledgebase/complete/uniprot_sprot.fasta.gzgzip-d uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz# builid index~/opt/biosoft/ncbi-blast-2.7.1+/bin/makeblastdb -in uniprot_sprot.fasta -dbtype prot -title swiss_prot -parse_seqids# ...