Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox is a multistep process. First, VirtualBox will need to be downloaded and installed. Then, the preferred ISO file for the Ubuntu version you'd like to use must also be downloaded. Once you have those two things, you can head into VirtualBox and follow the ...
In this blog we will see how to install Ubuntu Desktop 19.04 in VirtualBox 6. Ubuntu desktop is one of the most widely used Linux desktop distribution available today. You will also see how to install Guest Editions to enable full screen mode in VirtualB
Once you choose a Linux distribution or opt to use the default Ubuntu distro, follow the instructions to Use the install Linux command with Windows Subsystem for Linux or learn more in the WSL documentation.Create a Virtual Machine (VM)
To uninstall VirtualBox completely, run the following two commands: apt-get purge virtualbox* apt-get autoremove Thevboxsfandvboxusers, two Linux user groups that were created onUbuntuduring the VirtualBox install process, will not be deleted automatically. You can remove them manually by using the...
Run this command to add the GPG key: curl-fSsL|gpg --dearmor|sudotee/usr/share/keyrings/virtualbox.gpg>/dev/null Adding the VirtualBox APT PPA Repository Now, let’s add the VirtualBox repository to your system. This repository ...
Step 3: Download UNetbootin: a Bootable Live USB Drive Maker To install Ubuntu via a USB flash drive, you’ll need a USB flashing tool to flash the Ubuntu ISO image onto the flash drive. For this guide, we’ll useUNetbootin. UNetbootin is a powerful and easy-to-use multi-platform SD ...
For instance, if you download Ubuntu, then you will find a file called something like ubuntu-18.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso in your download folder location. You need to copy the contents of the installation media to an external device, DVD or thumb drive. This is done with a dedicated tool,...
VMDK file - virtual disk that contains all stored information of the hard disk of a VMware virtual machine. Learn more about two most common and sufficient ways to open VMDK file with virtual machine turned on and turned off.
Once you’ve got the necessary packages installed, it’s time to pop in that Guest Addition CD. Just click on “Devices” in the Virtual Machine’s menu bar and choose “Insert Guest Addition CD image” from the dropdown. Read:How to share folders between your Ubuntu Virtualbox and your...
5. How to Confirm the Installation: After installation, reboot your virtual machine and verify that VMware Tools is running: vmware-toolbox-cmd -v How to Install Open VMware Tools on Ubuntu Why Open VMware Tools is a Preferred Method: ...