1. Buy Parted Magic and Download its ISO file. You will use this to create a bootable live disk. 2. Create a bootable USB flash drive. We recommend using Rufus, a free USB Flash drive utility, to do the writing. (Image credit: Tom's Hardware) 3. Boot your PC from the Parted Ma...
If you review these links, they should walk you through setting things up properly for using a WMI filter to "walk with" your PDCe role and then setting your time for that system for NTP targeting your Red Hat systems or any other Stratum 1 NTP source (tick or tock,...
This might be more of a personality thing of mine, but I like to change up where I work often. About 80% of the time I will use my normal office, but the rest of the time, I like to work on my big dinner table, or go outside on the patio table with my laptop, or work at...
RFID Car key fob security is a bad idea. Most vehicles are now equipped with that feature where an owner of a car would only need to carry the key fob within a close range of the car and the door would be vulnerable. Imagine you park the vehicle next to the street and closed the d...