Using SpotifyGuRu Mod APK √ √ √ × Mac, Windows, Linux × No Guarantee 4.0/5 Using Spotifymod √ √ × × Windows × No Guarantee 3.5/5 Using Spicetify √ × × × Windows, Mac × No Guarantee 3.5/5 Using SpotifyPremium √ × × √ Windows × No Guarantee 3.5/5 Using uBlock ...
You caninstall Ubuntu inside a virtualbox in Windows You can useBash on Windows feature to install it inside Windows You candual boot Ubuntu with Windows(so that you can choose which OS to use at the time your system boots) You can replace Windows with Ubuntu by wiping it altogether from ...
Installing Google Chrome on Ubuntu is a simple task. It’s not available in the software center but you can download and install it pretty much the same way as you do in Windows and macOS. You can alsoremove Google Chrome from Ubuntuif you want, but you’ll have to use the terminal. ...
You have downloaded a .torrent file of a few KB in size. You need to download and install a Torrent application like uTorrent or Deluge or BitTorrent. I recommend usinguTorrenton Windows. If you are using some Linux distribution, you should already have atorrent client like Transmission. If ...
Spice Up Your Spotify Experience With Spicetify on Ubuntu No Camera Found? Getting the Camera App to Work in Ubuntu 24.04 How to Check GPU Usage on Linux Systems Here's How I Managed to Install Minecraft on UbuntuBecome a Better Linux User With the FOSS Weekly Newsletter, you learn useful ...