Download and install Shimeji on Windows PC 1] Download and install Java The first thing to do is to ensure that Java is downloaded and installed on your computer. If you haven’t done this already, then let us explain what needs to be done. ...
Happy Gaming Windows Update should auto detect and install the AMD drivers You monster! I enjoy buying junk and sinking more money than it's worth into it to make it less junk.
Shimejii Member Gamer and Computer Magician 6.9k 199 Posted January 7, 2021 You basically have to make sure the VM is in a Sandbox Enviroment, Theres a few guides on how to do this depending on the VM software you are using My Gaming and Editing Rig :
I couldn't find Java as a program on my Control Panel list of programs. Why? Wizzwizz4 Community Answer This means that Java isn't installed. You can install Java from the Java website. Not Helpful 6 Helpful 0 Question Whenever I try to open up shimeji with Java, it says "Error...