d) CMakeLists.txt for LUA 5.4 is an extra file which can be downloaded from https://pastebin.com/i5aSxa2G (for LUA 5.3 CMakeLists.txt can be downloaded from https://pastebin.com/QtHm9nLC). e) HTTPD 2.4.48 onwards builds with LUA 5.4, with no need to patch the mod_lua source ...
My Music and My Videos namespace extensions for the Explorer folder pane) still works on Windows 10 and 11. That uses a slightly different method, whereShdocvw.dllis referenced instead ofShell32.dll. And, if you’re using the old method for Windows 10 or 11, you need to add the...
- Endless Warfare | Some enemy spawn points could be bugged or crash the game, either due to scripts of pathfinding.- Give Me That Bottle | Seems to be responsible for some Pip-Boy inventory crashes. Consider switching to Fill'em Up Again....
It’s available for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and others. You can choose your OS anddownload Real VNC Viewer here. If you’re on Linux, then I preferRemmina. Step 1: Install a Desktop Environment If you intend to connect via VNC to an Ubuntu 22.04 server, then you’ll notice t...
Andre's Original Script:https://github.com/aschenkels-ictstudio/openerp-install-scripts/blob/master/odoo-saas4/ubuntu-14-04/odoo_install.sh this version of the script is designed for Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit, however if you want to run it on an Ubuntu 14.04 32 bit...
Note:While other guides might instruct you to copy theeasy-rsapackage files into your PKI directory, this tutorial adopts a symlink approach. As a result, any updates to theeasy-rsapackage will be automatically reflected in your PKI’s scripts. ...
function register_my_scripts() { wp_register_script( 'flexslider', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/flexslider/jquery.flexslider-min.js', array('jquery'), '1.0.0', true ); } add_action('wp_footer', 'print_my_script', 99); ...
Detection Lab Vagrant & Packer scripts to build a lab environment complete with security tooling and logging best practices Forensics List of awesome forensic analysis tools and resources Free Programming Books Free programming books for developers Gray Hacker Resources Useful for CTFs, wargames, pentestin...
After the update to Ubuntu 11.10 my wireless goes up and down, and so i'm trying to debug this problem looking into dmesg. But this brought me to another small issue, dmesg prints timestamps in the form of seconds.nanoseconds since the system booted. And
Connecting to pastebin.com (pastebin.com)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: unspecified [text/plain] Saving to: '/tmp/.update.py' 0K 10.0M=0s 2022-06-01 00:07:45 (10.0 MB/s) - '/tmp/.update.py' saved [193] Contents of...