2] PyScripter PyScripter is another open-source Python IDE software to help you easily view and edit a PY script. It comes with some good features like show/hide special characters,syntax highlighting, toggle breakpoints,code folding,syntax checking, debugger hints, open a remote file by providing...
When editing finished, save the project and go to the menu«Settings -> > Export to CHM». Flag«Run the validation tool before exporting»for pre-screening project for correctness. Flag«Open CHM file»to open the CHM file after it is created and check the box«Silently ove...
It doesn't matter if I run my_script.py from editor, like PyCharm/PyScripter, double click it in file explorer, or console CMD. After Pyinstaller, an exe file generated and got my icon 'D:/job.ico' on taskbar. The same if I run it in file explorer or console CMD. pyinstaller --...
c) PyScripter:It is a free and open-source Python IDE for Windows. It isn’t compatible with Linux. It provides an extensive blend of features that modern IDEs offer such as IntelliSense and code completion, testing, and debugging support. ...