There has been much hype around these updates as it recognizes the move towards digital reading and consuming of content, with Apple particularly targeting the Textbook market. The textbooks that are to be sold through iBooks will give students a more interactive learning experience which ultimately ...
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A thorough consideration of even one of the research areas could easily fill a textbook, and each of the component issues raised in these areas could be the topic of its own systematic review. In the technology section, we only present relevant areas of technological development, instead of ...
To achieve that, the data were entered into MaxQDA for analysis. The Pearson chi-square was performed in SPSS. Goals were normalized in the context of the duration of each education level, but the obtained average was not proportional. 3. Results The results of attitudes shaping content element...
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This paper reports how an information and communications technology (ICT) system can support greater connection across and outcomes from home and school ma
Achi-squared test(symbolically represented asχ2) is basically a data analysis on the basis of observations of a random set of variables. Usually, it is a comparison of two statistical data sets. This test was introduced byKarl Pearsonin 1900 forcategorical data analysis and distribution. So it...