最簡單的方法是擷取 NuGet 套件,然後直接使用腳本。 這些步驟如下: 解除封鎖因特網下載的 NuGet 套件 (.nupkg) 檔案,例如使用Unblock-File -Path C:\Downloads\package.nupkgCmdlet。 擷取NuGet 套件的內容。 資料夾中的.PS1檔案可以直接從這個位置使用。 您可以刪除資料夾中的 NuGet 特定專案。 如需NuGet ...
Publish to nuget.orgTo publish on nuget.org, sign in to nuget.org with a Microsoft account, and use it to create a free nuget.org account. Follow the instructions at Add a new individual account.Once you have an account, you can publish a package to nuget.org by using the nuget...
I wrotethisarticle about running Visual Studio Code on Linux here and wanted to now create a more complicated console app. To do this I wanted to install the Newtonsoft.Json NuGet Package. To open the console where the commands are added selectView–>Integrated Terminalfrom ...
nuget setApiKey <your_API_key> This command stores your API key in your NuGet configuration so that you need repeat this step again on the same computer. Push your package to NuGet Gallery using the following command: cli nuget push YourPackage.nupkg -Source https://api.nuget.org/v3/...
It works for me too. At first, I thought I needed to install the package, but just including the framework reference tag was enough.
Part 1 - How to Build Desktop .NET MRZ Scanner for Passport and ID Card on Windows and Linux Part 2 - Integrating Android MRZ Recognition in .NET MAUI: From AAR Files to a NuGet Package to a Complete App Part 3 - How to Build a NuGet Package with iOS Frameworks for .NET MAUI...
nuget setApiKey <your_API_key> 1. This command stores your API key in your NuGet configuration so that you need repeat this step again on the same computer. Push your package to NuGet Gallery using the following command: cli nuget push YourPackage.nupkg -Source https://api.nuget.org...
Nuget Package Explorer to create and update my nuget package because it allows you to manipulate package as per your needs. Unfortunately, it is very non productive to manually edit a nuget package when it is done often. That's why it can be interesting to use a nuget package like ...
I was able to successfully install 14.3.8023 just a bit ago. Make sure you are using .NET Framework 4.8 C# Blank Web Application, and also use the 'All' selection in nuget package manager as there are dependencies outside the Sitefinity repo. ...
The article demonstrates how to make a NuGet package supporting both .NET and C++ barcode app development in Visual Studio.