aGora.Moodle Link aGora ERP with your Moodle™ If you prefer to use Moodle™ as LMS (Learning Management System) instead of our aGora.connect extension, the integration module between aGora and Moodle™ will allow you save your time and effort, trespassing data and information, already intr...
before your course becomes a SCORM package, you need to break it down into a series of HTML pages, like you would for a website. You’ll also need to link every text and media file so they display on the platform.
Current jobs in the Course Import Tool show the status of a course import. Status can help you view the progress of the import and if there is any action required on your part. An import can display up to five statuses. Notes:
If they get a tummy ache, you're 72h and 3 moodlets away from the birth of your new alien baby. Don't worry as, if you don't want it you can send the baby back to the homeworld. There isn't much reason to do all this unless you want one though, so there's that. It does...
If your IIAB install on "32-bit" RasPiOS 12 Lite works, please also test your microSD card in a truly 32-bit Raspberry Pi Zero W if you have one (to check the Wi-Fi hotspot works well!) Just FYI if you runapt updateimmediately after the OS upgrade to RasPiOS 12 (Bookworm), you...
To save an office file as PDF inONLYOFFICE Docs, open the required file, go to theFiletab and choose one of the following: Download as… Save Copy as… The first option saves a PDF version of your office file to your PC or laptop. The second one lets you create a PDF copy in your...
When everything is ready, go to theFiletab and clickSave as. You will be offered to choose a format from the list. Select PDF and save the file on the hard disk drive of your PC or laptop. Save Your PDF Form Congratulations! You have just successfully created a fillable PDF form usin...
Download complete ] – : Binary saved to /home/eb/node_modules/node-sass/vendor/linux-x64-57/binding.node Caching binary to /home/eb/.npm/node-sass/4.5.3/linux-x64-57_binding.node > uglifyjs-webpack-plugin@0.4.6 postinstall /home/eb/node_modules/uglifyjs-webpack-plugin ...
Platforms like Canvas, Blackboard, and Moodle offer comprehensive learning management systems for colleges, enhancing the overall learning experience. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications How would you like to study anatomy by looking at a highly-realistic VR model of the...
How to check the dropdown selected value is null or not. Iam using the following code , if(input.dropdown!=null && input.dropdown!=""),But this is not working for me. EX;if(input.dropdown=="Some value") show "Some value" else if(input.dropdo