There are a number of ways to install the file. You can email the link to yourself and then open the email on your Android device and download it direct. You can copy the file over USB, or you can copy the file to and from Dropbox. It doesn’t matter how you get the file on y...
If your distribution automatically updates your kernel, you will need to download a new and correct version for your new kernel, and install it with your system package manager, ex: apt-get. In the Rust .toml file add the 2 following lines, to add the debug symbols table to the Rust ...
The Gram-negative bacterium Shigella flexneri invades the colonic epithelium and causes bacillary dysentery. S. flexneri requires the virulence factor invasion plasmid antigen B (IpaB) to invade host cells, escape from the phagosome and induce macrophage
It is commonly assumed that a heterotrophic ancestor of the supergroup Archaeplastida/Plantae engulfed a cyanobacterium that was transformed into a primary plastid; however, it is still unclear how nuclear-encoded proteins initially were imported into th