I have been optimizing the hyperparameters of several TensorFlow neural network models in Optuna on Jupyter Notebook (Python 3.x) in WSL with hundreds of trials and no prior problems until I thought I shouldsave my studiesfor future reference. I have a class within which...
By his estimation, switching to open-source software in general, and Python in particular, brought greater integrity and accountability to his research. This was because all of the code could be shared and run by any interested reader. Prof. Romer wrote an excellent article, Jupyter, Mathematica...
It is a best practice to develop and test your code in Jupyter Notebook before creating the app. We will load all the docx files from the folder using the DirectoryLoader. from langchain_community.document_loaders import DirectoryLoader loader = DirectoryLoader("C:/Users/abida/Desktop/Books",...
Leverage the native DuckDB support in Jupyter Notebooks: Jupyter Lab/Notebook users can run DuckDB queries directly, without the need to use the specific Python functions. This is a great way to explore data faster and keep your notebooks tidy. Always remember how DuckDB handles concurrency: You...
In this blog, we will install Anaconda 2020.2 in Windows 10 and also see how we can access Anaconda Navigator, Jupyter Notebook, Anaconda PowerShell prompt, Anaconda CMD.exe prompt and Spyder IDE. We will also see how we can execute a simple python scrip
Jupyter Notebook (we'll cover the install later) Identify the Correct Serial Port Plug your ESP8266 into your computer, then run one of the commands below to see what its serial address is. If you unplug the MCU into a different USB port later, it may have another serial...
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Jupyter Notebook on Debian 9, start and access the web application. The Jupyter Notebook is popular and widely used open-source web-based software that allows users to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, ...
I used to work with anaconda jupyter notebook last semester for my AI course. I installed and used a lot of packages (globally - stupid mistake, i know) using anaconda. Sometime towards the end of the semester, all my packages just stopped working, and even deleting and reinst...
We provide some jupyter notebooks 3 in the Git repository [39], for interactive usage examples that the reader can compile and execute. In the Listing 2 we show an essential schematic representation of the code in Listing 2. We are omitting the initialization code in Listing 1. In lines 1...
We provide some jupyter notebooks 3 in the Git repository [39], for interactive usage examples that the reader can compile and execute. In the Listing 2 we show an essential schematic representation of the code in Listing 2. We are omitting the initialization code in Listing 1. In lines 1...