The two scripts are in the root of the folder, while the wrapper jar and properties files have been added to a new gradle/wrapper folder. └── <project folder> └── gradlew └── gradlew.bat └── gradle └── wrapper └── gradle-wrapper.jar └── ...
Download the latest JARs from the update site. net.harawata.mybatipse_xxx.jar from net.harawata.mybatipse_xxx.jar from Copy those JARs to the dropins folder in your Eclips...
Step 6 – Copy a mysql database driver to required location Download the MySQL JDBC driver (available from the MySQL website) and copy the mysql-connector-java-.jar file into $JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/bootstrap/artifactory/tomcat/lib directory. $ cd /tmp $ wget
Failed to execute goal on project apps: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.github.adminfaces:apps:war:0.1-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at net.sf.jasperreports:jasperreports:jar:6.9.0 -> com.lowagie:itext:jar:2.1.7.j...
For an updated look at installing either Sonatype Nexus or JFrog Artifactory as your open source local Maven repository of choice, please look at the following two articles, both of which include video tutorials on installation, configuration and JAR file uploads: How to setup a JFrog ...
And the JAR file isn’t runnable either. To make this code runnable, we can use gradle’s application plugin. Add this to your build.gradle file. apply plugin: 'application' mainClassName = 'hello.HelloWorld' Then you can run the app! $ ./gradlew run :compileJava UP-TO-DATE :process...