and software support/QA experience. From aerial photography in Borneo and Congo to GIS analysis and more, he's well versed in all apsects of GIS. His educational background includes a B.A. in Geography and a master's degree in GIS. Formerly based out of the Manchester...
Such files sometimes refer to download, reports, center, view, technical, questionnairre, representative, support, report and down, and often contain personal information. All other DO files (32%) have no consistent format, often e.g. HTML, DOC, JPG, certificate, Source, WordPerfect, JSON, ...
Microsoft recommends the use of theLGPO.execonsole tool for the backup/import/export and transfer of local Group Policy settings. LGPO (current version 3.0) is included in the Microsoft Security Compliance Toolkit and is available to download here
All about the SSF file format. How to open SSF files. SSF filename extension is used to store GPS data files used by GPS Pathfinder Office, a GIS mapping software developed by Trimble.
Hi all, I want to remove Lenovo Welcome software on all devices via intune Any ideas on how when I go...
Map component for building GIS applications (GisMap) Maps Control for ASP.NET Getting started with VB.NET and GpsTools .NET (for ASP.NET)
I don't believe it'll help, but you might want to download the latest file from GitHub and place in your application folder. It's version Trying to get a release out this week for Qt. How are you starting you program? Have you run it from the command ...
This methodology will bin origin and destination data in both space and time. These are the technical steps to processing from MDS to open data using MySQL. Note you can adapt this to MS SQL or PostGis with changes to some of the function names. ...
This file format is classified as GIS. Nero (disc data index) by Nero Nero is a multimedia software suite for authoring, burning, and ripping compact discs. It saves the file index of a CD/DVD project in an IDX file. This file format is classified as Data. NoX (game data) by West...
Logon Type 9 is very rare. However, I was able to generate some false positives running applications that use impersonation. The main difference to key off of is the Logon Process will always be “seclogo” for pass the hash (from my tests), so you can filter on that to reduce false...