How can I download GeoGebra Classic 5 on Mac I'm trying to install GeoGebra Classic 5, for my Geometry Class, on my Mac and a message pops up that the software needs to be updated and to contact the developer. How can I download this version of GeoGebra? [Re-Titled by Moderator...
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This article will tell you how to get the current macOS used bash version, how to update the bash version to a new version. It will also tell you how to fix theError: Failed to download resource “bash”andError: Fetching /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core failed!duri...
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She used Desmos, Geogebra, and our new Pixel Equations teaspoon language. (I mentioned back in this blog post that we were using Pixel Equations in participatory design sessions — that’s when this study was happening.) Pixel Equations was developed explicitly for the concerns that the ...
a digital medium of choice (see sample item, Table 1), teaching fractions using GeoGebra, and usingrealmathto explain and compare the sizes of different fractions. The participants’ responses to the knowledge test were scored as 0 for an incorrect response, 0.5 points for a partly correct ...
(2011). Mathematical problem solving in dynamic learning environments: The case of GeoGebra. In D. Martinovic, Z. Karadag, & D. McDougall (Eds.), Proceedings of GeoGebra-NA 2011 (pp. 20–31). Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto. Caprara, G. V., & Gerbino, M. (2001). ...