1.On the first step, download theFedora DVD ISOimage and burn it to a DVD disk or create a bootable USB flash drive using theFedora Media Writertool or other utility. To create a bootableFedora USBdrive compatible with installation performed inUEFImode, useRufus utilityorEtcher. Also, check ...
The first step in this guide is to ensure that the device meets all the prerequisites before proceeding to the next procedure. The prerequisites list includes VMware Workstation, Fedora Workstation OS, enough RAM, and space. 2] Download the Fedora ISO File The second step after ensuring the p...
You have a basic Fedora IoT system running on your Raspberry Pi with the latest updates. The system is ready to use but still requires some additional configuration. For example, you need tochange the hostnameand add a different user so you don't need to connect usingroot. ...
To upgrade fromFedora 40toFedora 41via the command line, you can utilize thednf-plugin-system-upgradeplugin, which is integrated with theDNF package managerto facilitate the seamless upgrade of your system to the latest Fedora release. Step 1: Update Fedora 40 (Required) Before moving to the ...
$ rpm -Uvh --oldpackage Downloads/firefox-60.5.0-2.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm $ yum --showduplicates list firefox $ sudo yum downgrade firefox Downgrade Packages on Fedora As the Fedora OS also uses an RPM (RedHat Package Manager) package manager, so either you can use the Red Had command ...
Once the system boots up after installing, start GNOME Software and go Updates Tab. You should now see a message that “Fedora 40 Now Available” as below: 3) Click Download “Fedora Linux 40” 4) Once downloaded is completed, click on “Restart & Upgrade” ...
In this section, I will show you how to download the Fedora Workstation 35 ISO image from theofficial website of Fedora. First, visit theofficial website of Fedorafrom your favorite web browser. Once the page loads, click on theDownload Nowbutton as marked in the screenshot below. ...
Adding repo from: https://download.docker.com/linux/fedora/docker-ce.repo Finalize Docker Installation Step 1: Proceed to Install Docker CE via DNF Command With the Docker Fedora RPM now imported, initiate the Docker CE installation by running the following command: ...
However, Fedora provides a dedicated tool for downloading and making live USB. I am going to use that in this tutorial. The Fedora team put some effort in creating this tool, so why not use it. But first,plug in the USB key. Now, go to the download page of Fedora: ...
All versions of a package might not be available in the official repositories. In such cases, you can download the RPM package from Fedora Koji Web and manually install it using the rpm command. Simply note down the full package name and specify it in thedowngradecommand as follows: ...