Hi SRA team, I have a question of how to check the integrity of the BAM or FASTQ files. The .sra.vdbcache files were downloaded using prefetch and validated using vdb-validate. But how can I check whether the extraction of BAM or FASTQ files from .vdbcache was complete and did not ...
9.2 Fetch the data from dbGaP for srr in $(cat SRR_Acc_List.txt); do sratoolkit.2.11.2-ubuntu64/bin/prefetch --max-size 24G --ngc prj.ngc $srr; done >& out.txt & This command will download the sra files.9.3 Convert SRA data into fastq files & compress them for srr in $(cat...
If you want to find out which format your SEQ file belongs to, just click on the button "Choose your .seq file to analyze". Technical Data for SEQ File Extension Related files: ab1, sequence, fastq, sit, zip, fasta, abi, seq16, sqd, part-r-00000, vbb, seq0, seqf, sseq, sqn...
Paramyxoviruses including measles, Nipah, and parainfluenza viruses are public health threats with pandemic potential. Human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV3) is a leading cause of illness in pediatric, older, and immunocompromised populations. There ar
Influenza virus can escape most antibodies with single mutations. However, rare antibodies broadly neutralize many viral strains. It is unclear how easily influenza virus might escape such antibodies if there was strong pressure to do so. Here, we map al
Meta-omics data from five individual time-points has previously been published13,26,51. The MG and MT FASTQ files and the sample-wise MT-assembly and co-assembly contigs are available on NCBI BioProject PRJNA230567. MP data has been deposited in the PRIDE database under the accession number...