If you use Taxumo, no need to fill out the forms in eBIR Forms. You will be able to access your BIR confirmation in your past filings tab. You will also be able to pay for your taxes using the different payment channels that we have provided. You can then access the copy of your ...
“As long as the people of your culture are convinced that the world belongs to them and that their divinely-appointed destiny is to conquer and rule it, then they are of course going to go on acting the way they’ve been acting for the past ten thousand years… You can’t change th...
3a). As FliGD1 extends into FliGD2, it forms an armadillo motif, which is an α-helical hairpin that permits rotations. This armadillo motif of FliGD2 completes the fold of the next FliGD1 to form an intercalated structure (Fig. 2g). By contrast, FliGD5 of the outer ring distinctly ...
Kane and co-workers [2] observed that already a single dose of asbestos fibers damages the mesothelium tissue and stimulates regeneration with the additional recruitment of macrophages to the site of damage and were
R., & Robert Tuleya, E. (2004). Impacts of CO2-induced warming on simulated hurricane intensity and precipitation: Sensitivity to the choice of climate model and convective parameterization. Journal of Climate, 17, 3477–3495. Article Google Scholar Kosatsky, T. (2005). The 2003 European ...
Download: Download high-res image (122KB) Download: Download full-size image Figure 1. External and internal barriers and enablers that influence opportunity for individuals to engage in dementia risk reduction behavior Note. MDRF=modifiable dementia risk factor; SES=socioeconomic status; CALD=Cultura...
S40G (hA), G75S (connecting loop between hAands1B), and T140S (s2A) are unlikely to affect protein stability. The R255 of PZ is surface exposed and is close to, but not involved in the binding interface. This is consistent with recent finding that R255H mutation has no effect on...
to form a Watson-Crick base pair that transiently exchanges on the millisecond timescale with a singly hydrogen-bonded low-populated (1%) mismatch-like conformation in which the methylamino group issyn. This ability to rapidly interchange between Watson-Crick or mismatch-like forms, combined with ...
B., Dharma, C., Chi, P., Karremans, J., Schoebi, D., & Slatcher, R. B. (2022). Love in the time of COVID: Perceived partner responsiveness buffers people from lower relationship quality associated with COVID-related stressors. Social Psychological and Personality Science. https://...
Hsp90 is an essential molecular chaperone responsible for the folding and activation of hundreds of ‘client’ proteins, including the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Previously, we revealed that Hsp70 and Hsp90 remodel the conformation of GR to regulate l