wget"http://wiki.dragonpilot.cn/files/software/clone_dp.sh"-O clone_dp.sh&&\ dos2unix clone_dp.sh&&sh clone_dp.sh putty下ssh使用DP脚本工具效果如图 确保你的电脑上安装了 最新版的 Fastboot(fastboot 下载地址)。 手机解锁了 bootloader,并且获得了 root 权限(B 站参考视频)。
Restrict Access. Modify the Apache.htaccessfile to limit access to specific directories on your server. Configure mod_security and mod_evasive modules. Themod_securityApache module is a web application firewall that blocks common attacks, whilemod_evasivehelps mitigateDDoS, DoS, andbrute force attack...
sudotouch/path/to/fuse_connection.cfg Once you've created and edited this file, make sure to restrict access so no other users can read it. Bash sudo chmod 600 /path/to/fuse_connection.cfg Note If you have created the configuration file on Windows, make sure to rundos2unixto sanitize ...
I think, however, there hasn't been a truly in-depth cheatsheet which describe a variety of configurations and important cross-cutting topics for HTTP servers. That's why I created this repository to help us to configure high performing NGINX web and proxy servers that are fast, secure and ...
How to convert a CR+LF (DOS/Windows) to LF (Unix)? how to Convert a DataTable to String How to convert a file (zip) to base64 byte array How to convert a percentage to a double? How to Convert a Reg_Binary Hexadecimal Data Type into a String in VB How To Convert Bitmap To ...
This is the number one error. You tried to access a file that doesn’t exist. Because the Unix file I/O system doesn’t discriminate between files and directories, this error message occurs everywhere. You get it when you try to read a file that does not exist, when you try to change...
Every Unix file has a set of permissions that determine whether you can read, write, or run the file. Running ls -l displays the permissions. Here’s an example ...
This chapter is a guide to the Unix commands and utilities that will be referenced throughout this book. This is preliminary material, and you may ...
The aim is to get the "ruby" command to work in CMD, which is slightly different depending on the version you use: - ZIP (preferred) Download the RubyInstaller ZIP file from here: - You may need to also download 7ZIP to read the file (not sure why they've archived it as .7zip...
Easy way to download updates from Update Catalog using Powershell Easy way to find if a custom AD attribute is present Edit .py file in powershell Edit a web.config file with powershell Edit GPO via PowerShell Edit XML with powershell Ejecting Remote Computers CD Drive else : The term '...