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Plant cell and tissue responses to the attack of mining herbivores may be diagnosed by anatomical and histochemical analyses, herein investigated regarding
This new wave of misfit research has been made possible by scholars solving many of the challenges that had presented obstacles for this type of work such as the unpredictable, unconnected, scattered, and fleeting nature of its occurrence and the tendency for misfits to mask their misfit while t...
For grazing animals that share spatial and alimentary resources, the relationship between differences in oral morphology and the physical properties of substrates can help explain how and where species forage. The substrates may require different efforts from animals to access and remove food from their...
The final image (c) aims to evaluate the results obtained by using less markers as GCPs. Adapted from [9]. Aside from ContextCapture, all three software performed delivered results below the GSD which was calculated to be around 1.8 cm. Agisoft and MicMac were further selected to evaluate ...
Figure 2. (a,b) The forest structure of the three forest types: Eucalyptus plantations (black bars), park forests (dark grey bars) and riverine forests (white bars): expresed as mean tree density per ha in diameter classes (1 = 2.5–10 cm, 2 = 10–30 cm, 3= 30–50 cm, 4 = ...