Whether you're new to Ansible or an experienced user, these learning paths, self-paced labs, and other resources will help you reach the next phase of your automation journey with confidence. Let's go!I'm new to Ansible I'm more experienced with Ansible and want to learn more I want t...
In this post, we are going to see how to download a file from URL using ansible get_url module in other words ansible curl. As we know it already, Ansible has a lot of built-in modules to accomplish all the tasks we might need for configuration management and automation. Ansible get_u...
1) Download Ubuntu 22.04 ISO File Head over to the official Ubuntu website and download the 22.04 LTS ISO file. You can choose between the desktop and server versions, depending on your intended use Use beneath URL: Download Ubuntu 22.04 – Jammy Jellyfish 2) Create Installation Media Once I...
Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms': Yum repo downloading error: Downloading error(s): repodata/ab77593b3e45496bbf1cb280e7bc78a45b4fff2ae3fd1180fca4547d5a1d5239-comps.xml - Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success 1. 2....
1) Download Elementary OS 8 ISO Use below official URL to download ISO file, Download Elementary OS 8 ISO Choose your contribution amount or download for free by entering $0. Click the Download button to get the ISO file. 2) Create a Bootable USB Drive ...
7. Choose one of the available mirrors to download the installation files, then clickNext. 8. On theSelect Packagesscreen, typeansiblein the search bar and pressEnterto perform the search. Expand theAdminandDoccategories and double-click theansibleandansible-docfiles to select them. ...
$scp~/Downloads/community-kubernetes-1.2.0.tar.gz user@ansilbe-controlnode:~/ (Or you can use any other method like WinSCP, SFTP, etc.) Deploy Ansible Collection on the control node Now you need to prepare the location for keeping Ansible Collections. You can keep it in system directories...
$scp~/Downloads/community-kubernetes-1.2.0.tar.gz user@ansilbe-controlnode:~/ (Or you can use any other method like WinSCP, SFTP, etc.) Deploy Ansible Collection on the control node Now you need to prepare the location for keeping Ansible Collections. You can keep it in system directories...
Ansible playbooks of this guide are available at How To Secure A Linux Server With Ansible by moltenbit.(Table of Contents)Why Secure Your ServerI assume you're using this guide because you, hopefully, already understand why good security is important. That is a heavy topic onto itself and...
git clone git@github.com:josevnz/ExtendingAnsibleWithPython.git cd ExtendingAnsibleWithPython.git/Inventory python3 -m venv ~/virtualenv/ExtendingAnsibleWithPythonInventory . ~/virtualenv/ExtendingAnsibleWithPythonInventory/bin/activate Developer installation . ~/virtualenv/ExtendingAnsibleWithPythonInventory/bi...