How to perform a pelvic exam for the sexually active adolescent . Nurse Practitioner , 27 , 28 – 43 . Retrieved from TODO: clickthrough URL to perform a pelvic exam for the sexually active adolescent. Daley Alison Moriarty,Cromwell Polly...
Feeling Medicine thus explores what it means to make good physicians in an era of corporatized healthcare. In the process, it considers the role of simulation and the meaning of patient empowerment in the medical profession, as well as the practices that foster caring commitments between ...
Another type of common finger avulsion injury is calledjersey finger, named so because it often happens when a player grabs another player's jersey. As the player tries to get away, the finger is straightened forcefully while it's still trying to flex. The tendon and a piece of bone get ...
How to ultrasound the normal pelvis for aiding diagnosis of pelvic fractures using rectal and transcutaneous ultrasound examination. In Proceedings, Am Assoc Equine Pract 2006;52:609-612.Goodrich LR, Werpy NM, Armentrout A. How to ultrasound the normal pelvis for aiding diagnosis of pelvic ...
Mimura, Kyoko
Pelvic Floor4D-UltrasoundObjectives Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy is becoming an increasingly popular surgical approach for apical vaginal prolapse. The aim of this study is to document post-operative anterior mesh position after laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy and to investigate the relationship between mesh location...
While a portion of the studies reported the association of BV with other complications among pregnant women, such as an increased risk of preterm delivery, miscarriage, chorioamnionitis, postpartum endometritis, and pelvic inflammatory diseases, some studies questioned the need to treat BV in ...