In summary, that rule is saying "contact is required and it must be an email address if #contactform_email checkbox is checked". So if you wanted to do that with a regex (or any parameter-requiring rule method), it looks like this: minlength: { param:6, depends: function (ele...
I have domain isolation require inbound request outbound, but there is also an exclusion rule for the IP address range that contains the servers so they don't have to authenticate (I have found that doing otherwise breaks many and more things). I have verified these connection rules are prop...
Fluent Validation RuleFor a property based on value of other property Following error: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source for loop with in foreach loop is not working properly Force language of validation messages Force Postback When Text Changed on @Html.TextboxFor Forcing IIS 7.0 t...
However, I have the following code to create a validation rule on a range of cells in a spreadsheet. The 'Data' sheet already exists in the template, and I want to validate that the values in cells E2:Ex (where x is the number of new data rows). CTDataValidations valida...
To set up certain blocking rules, create an .htaccess file with the following text: to allow access to everybody else and block users with an X.X.X.X IP address <RequireAll>Require all grantedRequire not ip X.X.X.X</RequireAll>...
If it does go to the next step. Virtual Memory: If your laptop lacks the random access memory (RAM) required to run a program or operation, Windows uses virtual memory to compensate Virtual memory combines your physical RAM with temporary space on your hard disk. W...
Here's a breakdown of offerings from Vanguard and Fidelity to help you decide which fit your needs. Dmytro SpilkaOct. 14, 2024 8 Top Donald Trump Stocks to Buy Donald Trump owns these eight stocks, according to his latest financial disclosures. ...
You can add validation rules to Web tests at the test level. A test-level rule fires on every request in the test. In other words, adding a test-level validation rule is a shortcut for adding the same rule to every request. By default, such rules apply only to top-level requests....
Click OK to close the Add Validation Rule dialog box. On the File menu click Save to save the Web performance test. In the Web Performance Test Editor, click Run to start your Web performance test. The Web Performance Test Results Viewer is displayed. In the top pane of the Web Performan...
BindableValidationRule BooleanExtension BooleanToCustomVisibilityConverter BooleanToFlowDirectionConverter BooleanToHiddenVisibilityConverter BorderType 方塊 BrushToColorConverter ButtonHyperlink CircularPropertyDependencyException ColorBrushValueConverter ColorToOpacityConverter ColorUtilities CommonControlsColors Common...