Have them stop purposefully misspelling words and using leet speak or modern Internet lingo, because anyone who does so is an idiot with no common sense who is just seeking attention. Have them stop yelling "First!" or "Early!" whenever they think they're the first ones to comment, because...
Whether it’s spectacular habitats, cool creatures, or eco-friendly living, don’t be afraid tospeak upandtell othersabout your planet passions! It takes lots of peopleworking togetherto make change happen – so share, share, share! Now, get out there and save the world – you can do it...
A Missouri teenager, Alyssa Bustamante, attended church and got good grades in school. But a troubled childhood and untreated mental health issues opened the door for her unprovoked, inexplicable killing of nine-year-old Elizabeth Olten.
“It was the ‘UwU’ tweet that got a bunch of attention at the same time people were getting suspended or banned from the Discord server that the army had. They happened around the same time and that was just like [Laughs] enraging,” Uhl said to me over Discord. Using his rel...