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FUNCTION my_formattrig RETURN BOOLEAN IS BEGIN IF :count_col = 0 THEN RETURN (FALSE); ELSE RETURN (TRUE); END IF; END; Case 3. --- Suppose you are building a report and you only want to see certain records based on a condition. Normally, you would place the condition in your quer...
Paths are represented in browsers as a long string of characters. These strings can be broken down into a series of points that tell the computer where to start, where to end up, and what to do on the way there. A simple path might look like this: ...
We're coming back to the same cocktail in many heads that I'm trying to sort apart for a longest time. JavaScript by itself has Array and Map Table ("Hash" trigs many people for some reason) data structures. They are very different by ...
For drawing the radar I made this function drawRadar() which consist of arc() and line() functions. void drawRadar() { pushMatrix(); translate(960,1000); // moves the starting coordinats to new location noFill(); strokeWeight(2); stroke(98,245,31); // draws the arc lines arc(0...
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