Basic data structures are used to contain the components that represent the polygon (faces, edges, vertices). These structures are then further encapsulated in polygonal shape nodes to provide structure within the core of the Maya architecture—the dependency graph. Each of these concepts is crucial...
Your mesh needs a UV Map.Even an auto-generated UV map will do. If your mesh doesn’t have a UV map, open it in 3D software like Cinema4D or Autodesk Maya and quickly generate one. You need to remove all hair obstructing the face.If there are hair elements on the forehead or chee...
The advisor needs be an expert because people who working on quadratic forms or Taniyama-Shimura or some other related things, that is another area, and differential topology, they all know what is going on. If you are some lone person in your university, and you try to follow, you say ...
Climate change and high rates of global carbon emissions have focussed attention on the need for high-quality monitoring systems to assess how much carbon is present in terrestrial systems and how these change over time. The choice of system to adopt sho
DNA gyrase is a bacterial type IIA topoisomerase that can create temporary double-stranded DNA breaks to regulate DNA topology and an archetypical target of antibiotics. The widely used quinolone class of drugs use a water–metal ion bridge in interacting with the GyrA subunit of DNA gyrase. Zol...
Figure 3. Chromatin organization and topology. (A) A schematic of chromatin segregation within the cell nucleus into euchromatin and heterochromatin. The white blob represents a nuclear body. (B) Both heterochromatin and euchromatin comprise chromatin compartments (enclosed in grey, dashed circles), wh...