The helicopter, also known as the coffee grinder, is one of the most basic breakdancing moves. Once you get this move down, you can use it to transition into more complicated moves, such as the flare, the windmill, or the handstand. To do the helicopter, all you have to do is rest ...
What Does "Hit the Griddy" Mean & How Do You Do It? How toRenegade How to Do the Cotton Eyed Joe Dance: Easy Line Dance Steps How toDo the Floss Dance How to Tango: Dancing by Yourself or with a Partner How toZumba How toDo the Chicken Dance How toDo the Helicopter How toDo ...
What Does "Hit the Griddy" Mean & How Do You Do It? How toRenegade How toDo the Worm How toDo the Cotton Eyed Joe Dance How toDo the Floss Dance How to Tango: Dancing by Yourself or with a Partner How toZumba How toDo the Chicken Dance How toDo the Wobble How toDo the Helico...
For example, try doing shmoney hip moves with the dab arm and head movements. Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published Submit You Might Also Like How toTwerk How to Do the Carolina Shag How to Do Line Dancing What Does "Hit the Griddy" Mean & ...
Hit the griddy. Bend your knees slightly and tap the back of your heels, alternating between the left and right. You can do this in place or move forward, but be sure to add a little bounce to your step. Swing your arms back and forth, then throw up your Bs—make circles with your...
What Does "Hit the Griddy" Mean & How Do You Do It? How toRenegade How toDo the Worm How toDo the Cotton Eyed Joe Dance How toDo the Floss Dance How to Tango: Dancing by Yourself or with a Partner How toZumba How toDo the Chicken Dance About This Article Co-authored by: Tara ...
What Does "Hit the Griddy" Mean & How Do You Do It? How toRenegade How toDo the Worm How toDo the Cotton Eyed Joe Dance How toDo the Floss Dance How to Tango: Dancing by Yourself or with a Partner How toDo the Chicken Dance How toDo the Wobble How toZumba How toDo the Helico...
What Does "Hit the Griddy" Mean & How Do You Do It? How toRenegade How toDo the Worm How toDo the Cotton Eyed Joe Dance How toDo the Floss Dance How to Tango: Dancing by Yourself or with a Partner How toDo the Chicken Dance How toDo the Wobble How toZumba How toDo the Helico...
How do you know if you're twerking? I can read this but I can't figure out whether I'm doing it right. Community Answer There's two ways to know if you're twerking or not. First, you can look in the mirror and if you see hip movement or your butt moving up or down, you're...
The Cha-Cha Slide is a fun party dance, and you do it along to a song called The Cha-Cha Slide. You have to follow the moves as the song instructs. You'll need to hop, clap, stomp, do the cha-cha step, and run in place when you're told to...