Being able to summarize is a useful skill to have, not only for passing exams but also for working in professions. 能够总结是一项有用的技能,不仅对于通过考试,而且对于从事专业工作也是如此。 To summarize well, you need to separate the main ideas from less...
To summarize well, you need to separate the main ideas from less important details.能够概括是一种有用的技能,不仅对于通过考试,而且对于从事职业工作也是如此。要概括得好,你需要将主要思想与次要细节区分开来。You can use the following method to do this:你可以使用以下方法来做到这一点:First, read or ...
How_to_Summarize首先与原文比较看是否把所有重要的观点都概括了摘要中的观点是否与原文中的完全一致 How to Summarize 1.Readthe article. 2.Re-readthe article. Underline important ideas. Circlekey terms. Find themain pointof the article. Divide the article into sections orstages of thought, and ...
When summarizing, always aim to share the critical point first and to keep everything short. The importance of understanding the paragraph Understanding the text is key to summarizing it accurately. This is true for any piece of writing you summarize. However, because a paragraph is usually ...
Learning how to summarize an essay is an important skill to develop during your academic career. As a student, you will likely be assigned many essays to read, and as part of these assignments, you’ll likely have to write responses to them and/or discuss them with your classmates. In or...
A summary is a condensed restatement, in your own words, of an author's work. That work may be an article, essay or anything else. Writing a summary will help you better understand what you read, internalize the main ideas, clarify them and be able to us
How to Summarize an Article 1. Take a few minutes to preview the work. You can preview an article in a magazine by taking a quick look at the following:a. Title. A title often summarizes what an article is about. Think about the title for a minute,and about how it may condense...
How to summarize? What makes a good summary of a text? 1. Summaries must be shorter than the original text.You will often summarise whole paragraphs, texts, or ideas in a muchshorter way. (Shorter) 2. Summaries must be written in your own words, and include...
Howtowriteasummary?Concludewithafinalstatementreflectingthesignificanceofthearticle—notfromyourownpointofviewbutfromthewriter’s.Throughoutthesummary,donotinsertyourownopinionsorthoughts;insteadsummarizewhatthewriterhastosayaboutthesubject.Howtowriteasummary?RevisingYourSummary Afteryou’vecompletedadraft,readyour...
How to summarize and interpret those responses aren’t always immediately obvious. There are many approaches to summarizing and visually displaying quantitative data and it seems people always have a strong opinion on the “right” way. Here are some of the most common survey questions and ...