Did you understand all of your homework problem solutions? Did you ask in class for explanations of homework problem solutions that weren’t clear to you? Did you attempt to outline lots of problem solutions quickly? Did you go over the study guide and problems with classmates and quiz one a...
Finally, write summaries as much as you can. You don’t have to build an elaborate blog to do this. You can leave comments on videos you’ve learned from or share in social media posts. These are highly overlooked forms of spaced repetition that are very powerful. Please make use of th...
When you review a word or phrase in spaced-repetition software, you have to give yourself a grade. The grade is very important — it tells the SRS how well you remembered the word or phrase. This information is used to schedule the next review of the word or phrase. ...
Spaced repetition is a memorization technique that involves reviewing the same information at increasing intervals until that information is embedded into your long-term memory. If you've ever tried to learn a new language using apps like Duolingo or Rosetta Stone, you've used spaced repetition. ...
The best way to use repetition to improve your memory is to find a balance between spaced repetition and massed practice. Multiple exposure and retention intervalWhen exposed to a piece of information multiple times, your chances of recalling it increases. You can do this by repeating it to ...
合理的练习应该是不断增大两次反复之间的间隙,也即间歇性重复(Spaced Repetition)。研究表明同样次数的练习,分散在好几天中做的结果要比集中在一个晚上做更好。其实各种所谓的记忆曲线也就是这个道理。 研究表明,用笔写下来过的东西的确更容易记住。 研究表明,图像可以直接唤醒右脑的 Visual Spatial Centers。也就是说...
这里有个方法:间隔重复(spaced repetition)。它可以实现短期记忆向长期记忆的转换。具体做法是不断重复尝试记忆的内容,但重复的过程必须间隔开来。比如如果你尝试在一个晚上,重复记忆20次相同的内容的记忆效果比不上在几天内重复同样的次数。就像我们之前看到的砌墙的过程一样,如果你不留足够的时间等灰浆变干,正如等待...
Spaced repetition is particularly powerful because it leaves various intervals of rest time between when you challenge yourself to recall information. So although self-testing is ultimately about enhancing memory under stress you take on by choice, rest periods are just as important. How do you know...
So this is my kind of version of spaced repetition which is very basic and it relies on very basic memorization or learning by rote.这是我个人对间隔重复学习法的应用,它非常基础,而且依赖于非常基础的记忆或死记硬背。It's something that works for me personally.这个方法对我个人来说很有用。Try...
Top 3 Sites To Make Flash Cards For Your Kids Do you wish you knew about spaced repetition sooner? Maybe, the next time you begin to climb up the learning curve, you can use it to make your journey more memorable. Image Credit:Remember Yellow Note via Shutterstock,Wikipedia...