Sheetrock has been used for the past 50 years. If you have a newer house or it has had a recent remodel, you probably have sheetrock walls. When you knock on the wall, it will sound hollow. When stripping the wallpaper, you should be gentle with the use of putty knives, scrapers, o...
How is an internal wall built? An internal wall is built by establishing a frame with a top plate attached to the ceiling, bottom plate fixed to the floor, and studs placed between the two at regular intervals. The frame is then covered with materials like drywall or plaster to form the...
Hindsight, I may have tried it, BUT I also didn’t know what I was going to find behind the tiles (would I need to actually take out the sheetrock after all, would there be mold that would mean larger remediation involved and more sheetrock to take out, etc.). It really didn’t ...
but the existing drywall isn't going to flex nicely.) Personally, I wouldn't undermine the existing drywall by tapering it, so get yourself a 10 or 12" taping knife and feather away!
Don’t just use a straight edge, credit card, brayer, or the like to try to do this. It needs to be your finger so that you can reach down in the lower texture. 4. Using a foam brush, dab your base color into the area of your tape you just pressed down. What you are doing ...
Taping edges that meet drywall and corners Before installing tile on walls or floors pretty much anywhere in the house — but especially the bathroom — you need to install cement backerboard. Durock, manufactured by United States Gypsum (the company that makes Sheetrock), is one of the most ...
I would like to waterproof the basement ceiling and then put up sheetrock. Do you have any suggestions for the detail for insulating the ceiling? Reply Todd Fratzel Leon, Water proofing from the inside is likely impossible at best. If it’s not leaking now you’ll probably be ok. I ...
When you are mixing up your sheetrock mud, keep in mind that it needs to be the consistency of thick pancake batter. Liquid and runny but just a bit stiff. Slather the mud on any deep holes and try to maintain a super smooth finish with the taping knife. The more wrinkles and lumps...
I too have an old bungalow style home that I am proud to call my OWN, and am working on sheetrocking over old walls as well as ripping out old thin paneling and replacing it with new sheetrock. I have to say it is not easy! So reading how you went about fixing your home has ...
See details at US GYPSUM SHEETROCK ASBESTOS also see DRYWALL, FIBERBOARD, PLASTER INTERIORS USG Asbestos Paper products such as used on heating ducts and in some furnace air handlers US GYPSUM CEILING TILES USG Cements and adhesive including USG Pyrobar mortar mix (fire resistant), USG Super Har...